We Faerie Preistesses do Solemnly Swear

We Faerie Priestesses do Solemnly Swear

to Ride the Kelp Stalk of Magic Higher

and Further Than Any Other in the;

Daisy Faerie Ring

It is 2.20am on Sunday 18th April 2010 and strangely I know perfectly well that I will not be able to get a wink of sleep unless I commit even just a few words of what has happened tonight.  We three are so excited!  Tonight was the first true meeting of the Daisy Faerie Ring, so called because of the many daisy-weirdnesses (a word? I think not!) which have happened in the lead up to us forming our new magical group.

I’m not even going to begin from the beginning, that’s just so unexciting for now.  No, I’m going to plunge you and me into the deep end of our faerie magicality, which is the thing stopping me from going to sleep tonight. 

The day began at 8.20am Saturday morning when Daisy (we’re using our magical names for the purpose of this blog) was dropped off at The Mousehole (that’s my house, for future reference) on a wet, wild and disgustingly dreary morning.  She bounced in and so our day unfolded in a flurry of cake-making, eyelash-curling, poem writing, daisy and daffodil picking, giggling, Lady Grey tea drinking, brown-sugar-and-cinnamon-on-toast-eating kind of day.  Before we realised it was 10 o’clock at night.  Then the fun began.

My bedroom was turned into a kind of den that looked like, smelt like and tasted like the atmosphere of a dressing room for Faerie Queen Titania’s host of faeries in a production of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Daisy was hogging the mirror as she deftly put her purple hair into five pony tails, Alcina had not the luxury of a proper mirror so was using any shiny surface to persuade her eyelashes to appear ‘longer and fuller than ever before,’ because ‘she was worth it.’ Nixie, that’s me, was last in the queue for any mirror or remotely shiny surface so merely floated around trying sparkly pairs of shoes on for my role as Daisy and Alcina’s Faerie Godmother.  The atmosphere was getting more bubbly and sparkly by the minute as tiaras were positioned, faerie wings were adjusted and wands were grasped at the ready.  By 11pm we were all looking our elfin-best for the first ever night of magic of the Daisy Faerie Ring.

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