Author Archives: Alicen

The Blog That Sparkles

As is faerie lore I am having difficulty in remembering what happened last night at our second magical get-together of the Daisy Faerie Ring.  I really wanted to start writing straight away, but by the time we had finished it was well past one in the morning and I could hear my bed calling me […]

Faerie Priestesses 2

It is almost 10.30pm and I have had a busy day.  Every so often my mind has wandered to our magical evening and that I still haven’t finished writing about it.  My memories and that of the girls, we find, are quickly erasing the events of Saturday night, quite as if it were a dream.  […]

Faerie Priestesses

I went to bed at about three last night, but I could not get to sleep until around four as I had so many exciting thoughts wisping through my mind about the faerie ring.  Everyone has woken up late and the two girls have slept very deeply and have had interesting dreams.  We discuss their […]

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